What Happened With Deborah “Debi” Tomlinson?

Deborah Or Debi was a normal girl who was school-going and used to love studying and riding horses. Her father described her as a young age who was studious and confident as well while she was introverted. Jim Tomlinson, the father of Debi was heartbroken when he found out about the death of his daughter the case went on for years and was finally closed because of the lack of evidence. One day in 1975 police got a call saying that they found a woman’s body who was hanged to death, and it was none other than Debi.

Deborah “Debi” Tomlinson’s Death Reason

Debi was found dead and police started investigating the case. Police found that Debi was killed brutally and she was raped as well. Her reports showed that was intoxicated with Asphyxiation and she was also unconscious as the rapist made her go unconscious before raping her and killing her brutally. Police collected various semen, blood and sweat samples from the scene and they eventually started solving the case, The police also suspected Debi’s uncle in this case and were also keeping a close eye on him, however, they found no clue of him related to the case. After a year of finding nothing and the suspect being nowhere getting caught, the case was closed in 1976.

Who Killed Deborah “Debi” Tomlinson?

In 2019, a unit of Virginia police started investigating Debi’s case again and they started to draw a tree of families residing near the area to find out the suspect. Police went through each and every neighbour’s DNA samples from that time and they found a lead. Jimmy Dean Duncan was the one whose DNA samples matched in the tests and he was the one who raped and killed Debi. As per the reports, he was a guest at the house of one of the neighbours and was introduced to Debi by one of his close friends. Jimmy was not a local and went away after killing Debi. Police revealed that the suspect, in this case, passed away in 1987 while he was in his 30s. Jim, Debi’s father said that he was consoled that justice was served. The case which was off due to lack of evidence was solved five decades later with the help of DNA and technology.


MURDER  What Happened With Deborah  Debi  Tomlinson  Cause Of Death  Who Killed Her  Suspect Name  - 94MURDER  What Happened With Deborah  Debi  Tomlinson  Cause Of Death  Who Killed Her  Suspect Name  - 65MURDER  What Happened With Deborah  Debi  Tomlinson  Cause Of Death  Who Killed Her  Suspect Name  - 46MURDER  What Happened With Deborah  Debi  Tomlinson  Cause Of Death  Who Killed Her  Suspect Name  - 65