What Happened At Iowa State Park?

The dead bodies were found inside the tent in which the family members were presumably camping. The shooter arrived at the scene shot the three family members and then shot himself. Director Mitch Mortevedt reported to the media house on Friday about the shooting. There were other people as well who were camping and there well children as well in the park. The park was evacuated for further investigations. The victims in the shooting were identified as Tyler Schmidt, aged 42, Sarah Schmidt, aged 42, and Lula Schmidt, aged only 6. The motive behind killing the three is not identified until now. Also, the relationship between the three victims and the shooter is also not been specified until now.

Family Of Three Fatally Shot At Iowa State Park shooting

As the shooting took place, the campers camping at the park, who were enjoying summer camps on the ground were evacuated and the investigation began. Speaking of the crime the accused was a 23-year-old man named Anthony Sherwin. Initially, the accused was not found near the area, but later when the whole area was searched with a plane, Sherwin was found dead with a self-inflicted injury. Witnesses in the park said that the accused was weaponed and regarding that Mortvedt said that they were concerned about the accused harming more people. They started searching the whole area and found Sherwin dead in a wooded area of the park. Though Iowa allows people with a permit to carry firearms along with them, it was unclear if Sherwin had any permits with him.

Who Are The Victims?

Although the relationship between the victims and the accused is not found until now, it was revealed by the officers that Sherwin came from Nebraska and they believed that the victims had no relationship with the three people he killed in the park. The park where the shooting occurred is situated 50 miles away from the east of Cedar Rapids. Police have looked up the criminal background and records from Nebraska and it came out clean which made clear that Sherwin had no criminal behavior or records earlier to this. Police also said that Autopsy will be performed over the week on the victims and Sherwin as well, and the reports will be released soon after the autopsy. Still, the police are investigating the case and will get back to the media possibly as soon as something comes up.


MAQUOKETA CAVES STATE PARK SHOOTING  What Happened At Iowa State Park  Family Of Three Fatally Shot  Suspect Dead  - 78MAQUOKETA CAVES STATE PARK SHOOTING  What Happened At Iowa State Park  Family Of Three Fatally Shot  Suspect Dead  - 70MAQUOKETA CAVES STATE PARK SHOOTING  What Happened At Iowa State Park  Family Of Three Fatally Shot  Suspect Dead  - 96MAQUOKETA CAVES STATE PARK SHOOTING  What Happened At Iowa State Park  Family Of Three Fatally Shot  Suspect Dead  - 82